Taking a Fika and Giving a Thank You…

Every day, usually sometime between 3 to 4 pm I like to take a coffee break – Fika as they say/do in Sweden. It is a moment to relax, enjoy a nice cup of coffee usually accompanied by a pastry or some sort of snack. Often in this time I sit and read the news or perhaps a good book; sometimes just quietly think to myself. Today during my Fika I thought about this week and the post I wanted to write. What I reflected on was you; yes, you…my readers.

Without a doubt taking a Fika is needed for me. I gather my thoughts, slow the pace down (even if for 20 minutes). What some do through yoga or meditation, I do through my coffee break. I have a little more clarity on the day that has passed, and I have a nicer view of the time left and what tomorrow will bring.

What I want to express this week is a much needed thank you to my readers. For those of you who are following me I thank you. It gives me purpose to continue writing when there are people to write for. Second for those of you who view and like my page/posts I thank you. I light up when I see how far and wide my posts are being read. All over the world, and that was my intention – bring all the corners a little closer. It never fails to amaze me literally how far away my words are reaching.

Thank you all again for reading – until next time.